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Current Taxonomic Status of Late Cretaceous Ammonoid Species from the Western Interior Seaway Assigned to the Family Acanthoceratidae (Ammonitina: Acanthocerataceae)

Jonathan R. Hendricks

Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York


Note: Names in green are accepted; names in red are synonyms. Return to main list here. This page was last updated September 28, 2017.


Class Cephalopoda

Order Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884

Suborder Ammonitina Hyatt, 1889

Duration: Aalenian to Lower Santonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Superfamily Acanthocerataceae Grossouvre, 1894

Duration: Lower Albian to Maastrichtian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Family Acanthoceratidae Grossouvre, 1894

Duration: Lower Cenomanian to Coniacian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 95294.

Subfamily Acanthoceratinae Grossouvre, 1894

Duration: Lower Cenomanian to Middle Turonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 122888.

Genus Acanthoceras Neumayr, 1875

Type species: Ammonites rhotomagensis Brongniart in Cuvier and Brongniart, 1822.

Duration: Lower Cenomanian to Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 14509.

Origin of name: “Greek, akanthos, prickly; for its shell with several rows of nodes” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 28).

Acanthoceras alvaradoense Moreman, 1942Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow, 1935

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Holotype: TMM 19801.

Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow, 1935

Original presentation: Acanthocerasamphibolum

Original publication: Morrow, A. L. 1935. Cephalopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 9(6): 463-473 [pp. 470, 472, 473; pl. 49, figs 1-4, 6, pl. 51, figs 3, 4, text fig. 4].

Syntypes: KUMIP 286264.

Type locality: “south bank of Smoky Hill River south of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas” (Morrow, 1935, p. 473).

Type horizon: “upper Graneros shale” (Morrow, 1935, p. 473).

Other specimens: USNM 420216-420221.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (CO) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (KS) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (MT) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (NM) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (SD) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (WY) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other occurrences: “Middle Cenomanian of Japan and Nigeria” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 104).

Zonation: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone = Middle Cenomanian (94.96 +/- 0.50 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 299030.

Synonyms: Acanthoceras alvaradoense Moreman, 1942 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a); Acanthoceras hazzardi Stephenson, 1953 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Cobban and Scott (1973), Cobban (1984).

Origin of name: “Greek, amphibolus, doubtful; for the assignment doubtfully to Acanthoceras” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 30).

Acanthoceras bellense Adkins, 1928

Original presentation: Acanthoceras bellense

Original publication: Adkins. 1928. [p. 245, pl. 30, figs 1, 2].

Holotype: TMM 34034.

Type locality: “Bell County, Belton-Temple highway, locality 2410” (Adkins, 1928, p. 246).

Type horizon: Eagle Ford Formation (Adkins, 1928, p. 246); note: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a) report this as the Bluebonnet Member of the Lake Waco Formation.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Lake Waco Formation (Bluebonnet Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras bellense zone (WY) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Acanthoceras bellense zone = Middle Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 340918.

Synonyms: Acanthoceras pepperense Moreman, 1942 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a);  Acanthoceras stephensoni Adkins, 1928 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a); Acanthoceras validum Moreman, 1942 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Acanthoceras coloradoensis Henderson, 1908Watinoceras coloradoense (Henderson, 1908)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus.

References: Cobban (1988).

Acanthoceraseulessanum Stephenson, 1953 = Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907)

Reason for equivalency: junior synonym (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Acanthoceras granerosense Cobban and Scott, 1973

Original presentation: Acanthoceras granerosense

Original publication: Cobban and Scott. 1973. Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone near Pueblo, Colorado. USGS Professional Paper 645. [p. 68-70, pl. 2, figs 1-4, pl. 4, fig. 2, pl. 5, fig. 3, pl. 6, figs. 1-3, text figs 29, 30].

Holotype: USNM 163953.

Type locality: USGS locality D5291, Pueblo County, Colorado.

Type horizon: Graneros Shale, “9 feet above the Thatcher Limestone Member” (Cobban and Scott, 1973, pl. 6, figs 1, 2 caption).

Zonation: Acanthoceras granerosense zone = Middle Cenomanian (94.96 +/- 0.50 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

Synonyms: none known.

References: Cobban and Scott (1973).

Acanthoceras hazzardi Stephenson, 1953Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow, 1935

Holotype: 105971.

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras hoplitoides Lasswitz, 1904 = Mantelliceras saxbyi?

Type: Königlich Geologisches Museum in Poland; presumed destroyed in World War 2 (Klinger, 1994).

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Klinger, 1994). Note that Emerson et al. (1994) considered Acanthoceras hoplitoides a member of the genus Dufrenoyia (following Adkins, 1928).

Acanthoceras justinae Hill, 1893Dufrenoyia justinae (Hill, 1893)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus

References: Barragán and Maurrasse (2008).

Acanthoceras lonsdalei Adkins, 1928Cunningtoniceras lonsdalei (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Acanthoceras mantelli Sowerby 1814Mantelliceras mantelli (Sowerby, 1814)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus.

References: Wippich and Lehmann (2004).

Acanthoceras muldoonense Cobban and Scott, 1973

Original presentation: Acanthoceras muldoonense

Original publication: Cobban and Scott. 1973. Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone near Pueblo, Colorado. USGS Professional Paper 645. [p. 67-68, pl. 4, figs 1, 3, pl. 7, figs 1-13, pl. 11, figs 12, 13, text figs 27, 28].

Holotype: USNM 163941.

Type locality: USGS locality D3965, Pueblo County, Colorado

Type horizon: Graneros Shale, “17 feet above the Thatcher Limestone Member” (Cobban and Scott, 1973, pl. 6, figs 1, 2 caption).

Zonation: Acanthoceras muldoonense zone = Middle Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 340917.

Synonyms: Treated as Plesiacanthoceras muldoonense by Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

References: Cobban and Scott (1973); Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

 Acanthoceras pepperense Moreman, 1942Acanthoceras bellense Adkins, 1928

Holotype: TMM 19803.

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras stephensoni Adkins, 1928Acanthoceras bellense Adkins, 1928

Holotype: TMM 34033.

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)Conlinoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus.

Note: this combination was used by Stephenson (1953).

Acanthoceras turneri White

Acanthoceras validum Moreman, 1942Acanthoceras bellense Adkins, 1928

Holotype: TMM 19802.

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras wintoni Adkins, 1928Conlinoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Cobban, 1990).

Acanthoceras worthense Adkins, 1918

Acanthoceras wyomingense (Regan, 1924) = Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense (Reagan, 1924)

Genus Alzadites Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Type species: Alzadites alzadensis Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Duration: Middle Cenomanian to Upper Cenomanian.

Alzadites alzadensis Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Alzadites alzadensis

Original publication:Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422. [p. 398, pl. 4, figs 1-10, 14-16, 43].

Holotype: USNM 423709.

Type locality: USNM Mesozoic locality 22871, Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: “Middle Cenomanian Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 383).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333419.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: named for the town Alzada, near the type locality in Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Alzadites incomptus Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Alzadites incomptus

Original publication:Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422. [p. 399, pl. 4, figs 40-42, 46-48, pl. 6, figs 1-22].

Holotype: USNM 423725.

Type locality: USNM Mesozoic locality D12052, Cibola County, New Mexico (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: “Rio Salado Tongue of Mancos Shale … Upper Cenomanian Sciponoceras gracile zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 385).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333421.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: named for the Latin word incomptus, meaning unadorned (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Alzadites westonensis Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Alzadites westonensis

Original publication:Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422. [p. 398-399, pl. 4, figs 11-13, 17-39].

Holotype: USNM 423714.

Type locality: USNM Mesozoic locality D5947, Weston County, Wyoming (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Belle Fourche Shale … Upper Cenomanian, Dunveganoceras pondi zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 384).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333420.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Origin of name: named for Weston County, Wyoming (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Genus Calycoceras Hyatt, 1900

Type species: Ammonites navicularis Mantell, 1822.

Duration: Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Synonyms: Metacalycoceras Spath, 1926 (Cobban and Kennedy, 1990a).

Calycoceras canitaurinum Haas, 1949

Original presentation: Mantelliceras canitaurinum

Original publication. Haas, O. 1949. Acanthoceratid Ammonoidea from near Greybull, Wyoming. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 93(1) [p. 9-14, pl. 1-3, pl. 4, figs 1, 2, 4, text figs 1-4].

Lectotype: AMNH 26413:1 (see Cobban and Kennedy, 1990a).

Type locality: near Greybull, Wyoming (Haas, 1949).

Type horizon: Cody Shale (Haas, 1949).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Haas (1949), Cobban and Scott (1987), Cobban and Kennedy (1990a).

Origin of name: “Latinized version of ‘from Greybull'” (Haas, 1949, p. 9).

Calycoceras gilberti Cobban and Scott, 1973

Original presentation: Calycoceras (Conlinocerasgilberti

Original publication: Cobban and Scott. 1973. Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone near Pueblo, Colorado. USGS Professional Paper 645 [p. 61-62, pl. 1, pl. 2 figs 5-9, 13-18, pl. 3, figs 5-7, 11, text figs 23, 24].

Holotype: USNM 163907.

Type locality: USGS locality 1323, Pueblo County, Colorado (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Type horizon: Graneros Shale (Thatcher Limestone Member) (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban and Scott (1987).

Origin of name: “named in honor of Mr. G. K. Gilbert” (Cobban and Scott, 1973, p. 62).

Calycoceras leonense (Adkins, 1928)

Original presentation: Eucalycoceras leonense Adkins, 1928

Original publication. Adkins. 1928. University of Texas Bulletin 2838 [p. 240-241, pl. 28, fig. 1, pl. 29, fig. 3].

Holotype: UT 34091.

Type locality: “Near Belton-Temple highway”, Bell County, Texas (Adkins, 1928, p. 241; Cobban, 1987, p. 4).

Type horizon: “basal part of the Eagle Ford Group” (Cobban, 1987, p. 4).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban (1987).

Calycoceras naviculare (Mantell, 1822)

Original presentation: Ammonites navicularis

Original publication. Mantell. 1822. [p. 198, pl. 22, fig. 5].

Holotype: see Cobban (1971).

Type locality: England (Cobban, 1971).

Type horizon: upper Chalk (Cobban, 1971).

References: Cobban (1971).

Calycoceras obrieni Young, 1957

Original presentation: Calycoceras obrieni

Original publication: Young. 1957. [p. 1171, pl. 150, figs 1-4, text figs 1f, 1h.

Holotype: TMM 18469 (University of Texas Collections).

Type locality: Cottonwood Canyon, Apache County, Arizona (Cobban and Kennedy, 1990b).

Type horizon: Dakota Sandstone (Twowells Tongue) (Cobban and Kennedy, 1990b).

PaleoDB taxon number: 298853 (as Calycoceras (Calycoceras) naviculare Mantell, 1822, which Cobban and Kennedy, 1990b regard as a distinct species).

References: Cobban and Kennedy (1990b).

Calycoceras spinosus

Calycoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)Conlinoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)

Genus Conlinoceras Cobban and Scott, 1973

Type species: Calycoceras (Conlinocerasgilberti Cobban and Scott, 1973

Duration: Middle Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Origin of name: “named for Mr. James P. Conlin, Fort Worth, Tex.” (Cobban and Scott, 1973, p. 61).

Conlinoceras tarrantense (Adkins, 1928)

Original presentation: Metacalycoceras (?) tarrantense

Original publication. Adkins. 1928. [p. 241-242, pl. 28, fig. 3, pl. 29, fig. 1].

Holotype: TMM 2424 (UT Collection).

Type locality: “Two miles east of Tarrant station” (Adkins, 1928, p 242).

Type horizon: Tarrant Formation (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Other specimens: USNM 420232-420252.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Woodbine Formation (Lewisville Member) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Tarrant Formation (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Dakota Sandstone (Oak Canyon Member) (NM) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Dakota Sandstone (Cubero Tongue) (NM) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Conlinoceras tarrantense zone = Middle Cenomanian (95.73 +/- 0.61 Ma; Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 340916.

Synonyms: Acanthoceras wintoni Adkins, 1928 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a); Acanthoceras adkinsi Stephenson, 1973 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Genus Cunningtoniceras Collignon, 1937

Type species: Ammonites cunningtoni Sharpe, 1855

Duration: Middle Cenomanian, questionably Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Cunningtoniceras amphibolum (Morrow, 1935)Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow, 1935

Source: Cobban (1987) moved Acanthoceras amphibolum to Cunningtoniceras, prior to Kennedy and Cobban (1990) moving it back to Acanthoceras.

Cunningtoniceras arizonense Kirkland and Cobban, 1986

Original presentation: Cunningtoniceras arizonense

Original publication: Kirkland and Cobban. 1986. [p. 2, pls 1-8, text-figs 2, 3].

Holotype: MNA N3322.

Type locality: “east-central Arizona” (Cobban et al., 1989, p. 22).

Type horizon: “Twowells tongue of the Dakota Sandstone” (Cobban et al., 1989, p. 22).

Other specimens: USNM 425151-425161.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Dakota Sandstone (Twowells Tongue) (AZ) (Cobban et al., 1989).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban et al. (1989).

Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras cunningtoni var. inermis

Original publication: Pervinquière. 1907. [p. 277].

Holotype: awaiting determination.

Type locality: awaiting determination.

Type horizon: awaiting determination.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Tarrant Formation (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other Occurrences: “Turrilites costatus subzone of the Acanthoceras rhotomangense zone in England and the German Federal Republic. It also occurs in the middle Cenomanian of France and Japan” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 130).

Zonation: Conlinoceras tarrantense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 130536.

Synonym: Acanthoceraseulessanum Stephenson, 1953 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Cunningtoniceras johnsonanum (Stephenson, 1955)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras johnsonanum Stephenson, 1955

Original publication: Stephenson. 1955. [p. 58, pl. 4, figs 14-17].

Holotype: USNM 108846.

Type locality: USGS locality 14583, Johnson County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Type horizon: Eagle Ford Group (basal) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other specimens: USNM 420270, USNM 420272, USNM 420274, USNM 420279, USNM 420274.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Eagle Ford Group (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone.

PaleoDB taxon number: 340841.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Cunningtoniceras lonsdalei (Adkins, 1928)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras lonsdalei

Original publication: Adkins. 1928. [p. 244, pl. 26, fig. 5, pl. 27, fig. 3].

Holotype: TMM 2410.

Type locality: Belton-Temple Road, Bell County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990)

Type horizon: “Bluebonnet Member of the Lake Waco Formation of the Eagle Ford Group” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 121).

Other specimens: USNM 108831a-b, USNM 420268-420272, TMM 1069, WSA 12830.

Zonation: Acanthoceras bellense zone = Middle Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Lake Waco Formation (Bluebonnet Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other occurrences: “Middle Cenomanian of Bathurst Island, northern Australia” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 122).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Genus Dunveganoceras Warren and Stelck, 1940

Type species: Acanthoceras albertense Warren, 1930

Duration: Middle Cenomanian to Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 14801.

Dunveganoceras albertense

Zonation: Dunveganoceras albertense zone = Upper Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

Dunveganoceras conditum

Zonation: Dunveganoceras conditum zone = Upper Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

Dunveganoceras pondi Haas, 1949

Original presentation: Dunveganoceras pondi

Original publication. Haas, O. 1949. Acanthoceratid Ammonoidea from near Greybull, Wyoming. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 93(1) [p. 22-30, pl. 8, figs 1-5, 8, pl. 9, figs 1, 3, 4, pls 10-14, text figs 11-13, 16 17].

Holotype: AMNH 26416.

Type locality: near Greybull, Wyoming (Haas, 1949).

Type horizon: Cody Shale (Haas, 1949).

Zonation: Dunveganoceras pondi zone = Upper Cenomanian (94.71 +/- 0.49 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 318804.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: “[n]amed in honor of Mr. W. F. Pond” (Haas, 1949, p. 22).

Dunveganoceras problematicum

Zonation: Dunveganoceras problematicum zone = Upper Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

Genus Eucalycoceras Spath, 1923

Type species: Ammonites pentagonus Jukes-Browne in Jukes-Browne and Hill, 1896

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Eucalycoceras bentonianum (Cragin, 1893)Tarrantoceras bentonianum (Cragin, 1893)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus.

Source: Cobban (1988) as Sumitomoceras bentonianum; Wright et al. (1996) consider Sumitomoceras a subgenus of Tarrantoceras.

Eucalycoceras dentonense Moreman, 1942Pseudocalycoceras angolaense (Spath, 1931)

Reason for equivalency: synonym.

Source: Cobban (1988).

Eucalycoceras indianense Moreman, 1942 = Pseudocalycoceras angolaense (Spath, 1931)

Reason for equivalency: synonym.

Source: Cobban (1988).

Eucalycoceras leonense Adkins, 1928Paraconlinoceras leonense (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus.

Source: Kennedy and Cobban (1990; Palaeontology v. 33).

Eucalycoceras lewisvillense Moreman, 1942Pseudocalycoceras angolaense (Spath, 1931)

Reason for equivalency: synonym.

Source: Cobban (1988).

Eucalycoceras pentagonum (Jukes-Browne, 1896)

Original presentation: Ammonites pentagonus

Original publication: Jukes-Browne in Jukes-Browne and Hill. 1896. [p. 156, pl. 5, fig. 1, 1a].

Holotype: GSM 53481.

Type locality: “Lyme Regis (Dorset)” (Kennedy, 1971, p. 81).

Type horizon: “Bed C of the Cenomanian Limestone” (Kennedy, 1971, p. 81).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338016.

References: Kennedy (1971), Cobban (1988).

Eucalycoceras shastense (Reagan, 1924) = ?Pseudocalycoceras shastense (Reagan, 1924)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus.

Source: Bengston and Norlund (1987) suggested that Acanthoceras shastense Reagan, 1924 may belong to Pseudocalycoceras.

Eucalycoceras templetonense Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Eucalycoceras templetonense

Original publication: Cobban. 1988. [pl. 4, text-fig 8].

Holotype: USNM 400782.

Type locality: Grayson County, Texas (USGS Mesozoic loc. 20314) (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: “from silty limestone concretions … above the base of the Templeton Member of the Woodbine Formation” (Cobban, 1988, p. 11).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338017.

References: Cobban (1988).

Genus Kastanoceras Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Type species: Kastanoceras spiniger Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Duration: Middle Cenomanian (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Kastanoceras spiniger Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Original presentation: Kastanoceras spiniger

Original publication: Cobban. 1990. [p. 394-395, pl. 3, figs 13-21, 26-31, 35-44].

Holotype: USNM 423699.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 22871, Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Middle Cenomanian Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 383).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333417.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Genus Metacalycoceras Spath, 1926 = Calycoceras Hyatt, 1900

Source: Wright et al. (1996).

Genus Microsulcatoceras Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Type species: Microsulcatoceras puzosiiforme Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Microsulcatoceras puzosiiforme Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Original presentation: Microsulcatoceras puzosiiforme

Original publication: Kennedy and Cobban. 1990 [p. 401, pl. 4, figs 49-52, 65-70].

Holotype: USNM 423734.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 23062, Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Greenhorn Formation. Upper Cenomanian Sciponoceras gracile zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 383).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333422.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: “Puzoiiforme – Puzosia-like, from the superficial resemblance to certain Puzosia Bayle, 1878″ (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 401).

Microsulcatoceras crassum Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Original presentation: Microsulcatoceras crassum

Original publication: Kennedy and Cobban. 1990 [p. 401-402, pl. 4, figs 74, 75, 86, 87].

Holotype: USNM 423737.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D4628, Kane County, Utah (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: Tropic Shale, Sciponoceras gracile zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333422.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: from the Latin crassus, meaning thick, “referring to the body chamber ornament” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 401).

Microsulcatoceras texanum Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Original presentation: Microsulcatoceras texanum

Original publication: Kennedy and Cobban. 1990 [p. 402, pl. 4, figs 59-64].

Holotype: USNM 423739.

Type locality: Ellis County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Britton Formation, Sciponoceras gracile zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 402).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333424.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Origin of name: presumably named for the state of Texas.

Genus Neocardioceras Spath, 1926

Type species: Ammonites juddii Barrois and Guerne, 1878

Duration: Upper Cenomanian to Lower Turonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Neocardioceras densicostatum Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Neocardioceras densicostatum

Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. Tarrantoceras Stephenson and Related Ammonoid Genera from Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Rocks in Texas and the Western Interior of the United States. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1473. [pp. 19-20, pl. 9, figs 1-31].

Holotype: USNM 400832.

Type locality: “USGS Mesozoic locality D7410 at Eldorado Springs,” Colorado (Cobban, 1988, p. 20).

Type horizon: Hartland Shale Member of the Greenhorn Limestone (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338024.

References: Cobban (1988).

Neocardioceras juddii (Barrois and Guerne, 1878)

Original presentation: Ammonites juddii

Original publication: Barrois and de Guerne. 1878. [p. 46, pl. 1, figs 1a, b, 2a, b].

Types: lost (Cobban, 1988).

Type locality: Novy-Chevriéres, France (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: “Pleunus Marls of the Paris Basin” (Cobban, 1988, p. 17).

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Britton Formation (TX)

Cenomanian: Chispa Summit Formation (TX)

Cenomanian: Colorado Formation (Bridge Creek Limestone Member) (NM)

Cenomanian: Mancos Shale (AZ)

Cenomanian: Greenhorn Limestone (Bridge Creek Member) (CO)

Cenomanian: Tropic Shale (UT)

Zonation: Neocardioceras juddii zone = Upper Cenomanian (93.32 +/- 0.38 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

Other occurrences: Middle Chalk (England) (Wright and Kennedy, 1981); France (Wright and Kennedy, 1981); Belgium (Wright and Kennedy, 1981); Germany (Wright and Kennedy, 1981); and Czechoslovakia (Wright and Kennedy, 1981).

PaleoDB taxon number: 325643.

References: Cobban (1988).

 Neocardioceras laevigatum Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Neocardioceras laevigatum

Original publication:Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. Tarrantoceras Stephenson and Related Ammonoid Genera from Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Rocks in Texas and the Western Interior of the United States. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1473. [pp. 22-23, pl. 9, figs 32-38, text-fig. 18].

Holotype: USNM 400889.

Type locality:USGS Mesozoic locality D5947, Weston County, Wyoming (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon:Belle Fourche Shale (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338025.

References: Cobban (1988).

Neocardioceras minutum Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Neocardioceras minutum

Original publication:Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. Tarrantoceras Stephenson and Related Ammonoid Genera from Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Rocks in Texas and the Western Interior of the United States. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1473. [pp. 23-24, pl. 10, figs 1-35, text-fig. 20].

Holotype: USNM 400894.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D4462, Weston County, Wyoming (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: Greenhorn Formation (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338026.

References: Cobban (1988).

Neocardioceras uptonense Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Neocardioceras uptonense

Original publication:Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. Tarrantoceras Stephenson and Related Ammonoid Genera from Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Rocks in Texas and the Western Interior of the United States. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1473. [pp. 20-22, pl. 10, figs 36-70, text-fig. 17].

Types: lost (Cobban, 1988).

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D5947, Weston County, Wyoming (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: Belle Fourche Shale (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338024.

References: Cobban (1988).

Genus Nigericeras Schneegans, 1943

Type species: Acanthocerasgaddeni Chudeau, 1909

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

Nigericeras scotti Cobban, 1972

Original presentation: Nigericeras scotti

Original publication: Cobban. 1972. [pp. 18-20, pl. 9, figs 1-4, pl. 18, figs 1-9, text-figs 15-17].

Holotype: USNM 166396.

Type locality: Baca County, Colorado (USGS Mesozoic loc. D6756) (Cobban, 1972).

Type horizon: “12 feet above the base of the Bridge Creek Limestone Member of the Greenhorn Limestone” (Cobban, 1972, p. 20).

PaleoDB taxon number: 337701.

References: Cobban (1972).

Genus Paraconlinoceras Kennedy and Cobban, 1990

Type species: Eucalycoceras leonense Adkins, 1928

Duration: Middle Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 15327.

Paraconlinoceras barcusi (Jones, 1938)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras barcusi

Original publication: Jones. 1938. [p. 117, pl. 6, figs 2, 3, 8, 9].

Holotype: UMM 16543.

Type locality: Tarrant County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: basal Eagle Ford (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Other specimens: USNM 420264-420267, USNM 105977.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Tarrant Formation (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Paraconlinoceras leonense (Adkins, 1928)

Original presentation: Eucalycoceras leonense

Original publication: Adkins. 1928. [p. 240, pl. 28, fig. 1, pl. 29, fig. 3].

Holotype: TMM 34051.

Type locality: Bell County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Bluebonnet Member of the Lake Waco Formation” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 118).

Other specimens: USNM 420256-420259.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Lake Waco Formation (Bluebonnet Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Acanthoceras bellense zone (WY) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Conlinoceras gilberti zone (CO) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Acanthoceras bellense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Genus Plesiacanthoceras Haas, 1964

Type species: Metoicoceras wyomingense Reagan, 1924

Duration: Middle Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 15411.

Plesiacanthoceras amphibolum (Morrow, 1935) = Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow, 1935

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus.

Plesiacanthoceras bellsanum Stephenson, 1953

Original presentation: Mammites bellsanus

Original publication: Stephenson. 1953. [p. 204, pl. 49, fig. 3, pl. 51, figs 8-11].

Holotype: USNM 105983.

Type locality: Grayson County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Type horizon: Templeton Member of the Woodbine Formation (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other specimens: USNM 105984-105986 (note: USNM 105986 is Metoicoceras latoventer Stephenson, 1953 according to Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333426.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense (Reagan, 1924)

Original presentation: Metoicoceras wyomingensis

Original publication: Reagan. 1924. Pan-American Geologist 41(3) [p. 181, pl. 19, figs 1, 2].

Holotype: Stanford University 119.

Type locality: northwest of Casper, Wyoming (Cobban, 1987, p. 16).

Type horizon: Frontier Formation (Cobban, 1987, p. 16).

Zonation: Acanthoceras bellense zone = Middle Cenomanian (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333499.

References: Cobban (1987).

Genus Plesiacanthoceratoides Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a

Type species: Protacanthoceras vetula Cobban, 1987

Duration: Middle Cenomanian to Upper Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Plesiacanthoceratoides vetula (Cobban, 1987)

Original presentation: Plesiacanthoceratoides vetula

Original publication: Cobban. 1987.

Holotype: USNM 388189.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D5900, Niobrara County, Wyoming (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Type horizon: Belle Fourche Shale (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other specimens: USNM 388190-388197, USNM 420287-420292, USNM 420293.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Belle Fourche Shale (WY) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Eagle Ford Group (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Genus Pseudocalycoceras Thomel, 1969

Type species: Ammonites harpax Stoliczka, 1864

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Source: Wright et al., 1996)

Pseudocalycoceras angolaense (Spath, 1931)

Original presentation: Protacanthoceras angolaense

Original publication: Spath. 1931. [p. 316].

Type: awaiting determination.

Type locality: Angola (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: upper Cenomanian (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 325645.

Synonyms: Eucalycoceras dentonense Moreman, 1942, Eucalycoceras indianense Moreman, 1942, and Eucalycoceras lewisvillense Moreman, 1942.

References: Cobban (1988).

Pseudocalycoceras dentonense

Genus Tarrantoceras Stephenson, 1955

Type species: Tarrantoceras rotatile Stephenson, 1955

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 15709.

Tarrantoceras bentonianum (Cragin, 1893)

Original presentation: Pulchellia bentoniana

Original publication: Cragin. 1893. [p. 239].

Holotype: awaiting determination (a plaster cast of the holotype was figured by Cobban, 1988, pl. 6, figs 15-17).

Type locality: “Hackberry creek, Dallas county, in clay-ironstone concretions” (Cragin, 1893, p. 240 quoted in Cobban, 1988, p. 16).

Type horizon: Britton Formation (Cobban, 1988).

References: Cobban (1988).

Tarrantoceras cuspidum (Stephenson, 1953)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras cuspidum

Original publication: Stephenson. 1953. [p. 202, pl. 50, figs 1-4].

Holotype: USNM 105947.

Type locality: Grayson County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Templeton Member of the Woodbine Formation, Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 134).

Other specimens: USNM 18971, USNM 14902.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333415.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Tarrantoceras exile Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Tarrantoceras exile

Original publication: Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the United States. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422 [p. 394, pl. 3, figs 22-25].

Holotype: USNM 423698.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 12650, Weston County, Wyoming (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: Belle Fourche Shale, Metoicoceras mosbyense Zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333416.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Tarrantoceras lillianense Stephenson, 1955Tarrantoceras sellardsi (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Tarrantoceras multicostatum Stephenson, 1955

Original presentation: Tarrantoceras multicostatum

Original publication: Stephenson. 1955. [p. 61, pl. 6, figs 21-23].

Types: awaiting determination.

Type locality: awaiting determination.

Type horizon: awaiting determination.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Eagle Ford Group (basal) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).

Tarrantoceras rotatile Stephenson, 1955Tarrantoceras sellardsi (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: junior synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Tarrantoceras sellardsi (Adkins, 1928)

Original presentation: Mantelliceras sellardsi

Original publication: Adkins. 1928. [p. 239, pl. 25, fig. 1, pl. 26, fig. 4].

Holotype: TMM 34048.

Type locality: Williamson County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Bluebonnet Member of the Lake Waco Formation” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 130).

Other specimens: USNM 420280-420282, USNM 400759, USNM 400760, USNM 400770.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Lake Waco Formation (Bluebonnet Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (CO) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (NM) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Acanthoceras amphibolum zone (WY) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 338010.

Synonyms: Tarrantoceras lillianense Stephenson, 1955; Tarrantoceras rotatile Stephenson, 1955 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a); Tarrantoceras stantoni Stephenson, 1955 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Tarrantoceras stantoni Stephenson, 1955Tarrantoceras sellardsi (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: junior synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Genus Thomasites Wright and Kennedy in Jugnet, Kennedy, and Wright, 1973

Type species: Jeanrogericeras sornayi Thomel in Porthault, Thomel, and Villoutreys, 1967

Duration: Upper Cenomanian to Lower Turonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996)

Genus Watinoceras Warren, 1930

Type species: Acanthoceras amudariense Arkhangelsky, 1916

Duration: Lower Turonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996)

PaleoDB taxon number: 15804.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: “For Watino, Alberta, Canada” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 29).

Watinoceras coloradoense (Henderson, 1908)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras coloradoensis

Original publication: Henderson. 1908. U. S. National Museum Proceedings 34(1611) [p. 259, pl. 13, figs 10, 11].

Holotype: USNM 30877.

Type locality: “near Lyons” Colorado (Cobban, 1988, p. 8).

Type horizon: “Greenhorn Limestone” (Cobban, 1988, p. 5).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143926.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: for the state of Colorado.

Watinoceras devonense flexuosum Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Watinoceras devonense flexuosum

Original publication:Cobban, W. A. 1988. The Upper Cretaceous Ammonite Watinoceras Warren in the Western Interior of the United States. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1788 [pp. 10-11, pl. 1, figs 27-40, text fig. 5.

Holotype: USNM 401601.

Type locality: “Garfield County, Utah” (Cobban, 1988, p. 10).

Type horizon: “Tropic Shale” (Cobban, 1988, p. 10).

Zonation: Watinoceras devonense zone = Lower Turonian (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of names: devonense, “[f]or the Devon coast, south-west, England” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 31); flexuosum, “Latin, flexuosus, bending; for the fossil’s flexuous ribbing” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 31).

Watinoceras hattini Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Watinoceras hattini

Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. The Upper Cretaceous Ammonite Watinoceras Warren in the Western Interior of the United States. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1788 [pp. 11-12, pl. 4, figs 1-10.

Holotype: USNM 401629.

Type locality: “USGS Mesozoic locality D11643 … Mitchell County” Kansas (Cobban, 1988, p. 11).

Type horizon: “lower part of the Jetmore Chalk Member of the Greenhorn Limestone” (Cobban, 1988, p. 11).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: “[a]fter D. L. Hattin, for his extensive investigations on the stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Greenhorn Limestone” (Cobban 1988, p. 11).

Watinoceras reesidei Warren, 1930

Original presentation: Watinoceras reesidei

Original publication: Warren. 1930. Research Council of Albert Geological Survey Report 21 [p. 67, pl. 3, fig. 2, pl. 4, figs 9-12].

Holotype: University of Alberta Ct. 478.

Type locality: “near Watino, Alberta, Canada” (Cobban, 1988, p. 5).

Type horizon: “Kaskapau Formation” (Cobban, 1988, p. 5).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143309.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: “[f]or John Bernard Reeside, Jr. (1889-1958), eminent USGS paleontologist” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 34).

Watinoceras thompsonense Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Watinoceras thompsonense

Original publication: Cobban, W. A. 1988. The Upper Cretaceous Ammonite Watinoceras Warren in the Western Interior of the United States. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1788 [p. 9, pl. 3, figs 1-3, 6-8.

Holotype: USNM 401627.

Type locality: “Thompson Arroyo, near La Junta, Otero County,” Colorado (Cobban, 1988, p. 9).

Type horizon: “Greenhorn Limestone” (Cobban, 1988, p. 9).

PaleoDB taxon number: 147815.

References: Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: named for the type locality, Thompson Arroyo.

Subfamily Euomphaloceratinae Cooper, 1978

Genus Euomphaloceras Spath, 1923

PaleoDB taxon number: 14875.

Euomphaloceras costatum Cobban, Hook, and Kennedy, 1989

Source: Nagm and Wilmsen (2012).

Euomphaloceras lonsdalei (Adkins, 1928)Cunningtoniceras lonsdalei (Adkins, 1928)

Euomphaloceras navahopiense =  apparently a nomen nudum

Euomphaloceras puebloense (Cobban and Scott, 1973)

Original presentation: Kanabiceras puebloense

Original publication: Cobban and Scott. 1973. [p. 73, pl. 15, figs 8, 9, pl. 37, figs 1-8, pl. 38, fig. 1]

Holotype: USNM 163978.

Type locality: Pueblo County, Colorado (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Type horizon: Bridge Creek Limestone Member (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban and Scott (1973).

Origin of name: named for Pueblo.

Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893)

Original presentation: Scaphites septem-seriatus

Original publication: Cragin. 1893. Texas Geological Survey 4th Annual Report, part 2 [p. 240].

Holotype: BEG 21058 (University of Texas Collections)

Type locality: Dallas County, Texas (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Type horizon: Eagle Ford Shale (Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Zonation: Euomphaloceras septemseriatum Zone (Upper Cenomanian; 93.68 +/- 0.50 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 14875.

Synonyms: Kanabiceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893).

References: Cobban and Scott (1973).

Origin of name: “Latin, septum, partition; seria, pot; for its resemblance to a chambered pot” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 34).

Genus Kamerunoceras Reyment, 1954

Type species: Acanthoceras eschii Solger, 1904

Duration: Lower Turonian (Wright et al., 1996).

Kamerunoceras navahopienseapparently a nomen nudum

Kamerunoceras turoniense (d’Orbigny, 1850)

Original presentation: Ammonites turoniensis

Original publication: d’Orbigny. 1850. [p. 150].

Types: awaiting determination.

Type locality: “Saumur area” (Cobban and Hook, 1983, p. 13).

Other specimens: USNM 328732-328735.

WIS occurrences:

Turonian: Mancos Shale (Rio Salado Tongue), NM.

Other occurrences: England, France, Spain, Tunisia, Middle East, Madagascar (Kennedy and Wright, 1979).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143726.

Synonyms: Kanabiceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893).

References: Kennedy and Wright (1979); Cobban and Hook (1983).

Genus Kanabiceras Reeside and Weymouth, 1931 = Genus Euomphaloceras Spath, 1923

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Wright et al., 1996).

Kanabiceras kanabense Stanton, 1894Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source Howarth, 1985).

Kanabiceras puebloense Cobban and Scott, 1973Euomphaloceras puebloense (Cobban and Scott, 1973)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus; Kanabiceras is a synonym of Euomphaloceras.

References: Wright et al. (1996).

Kanabiceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893)Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus; Kanabiceras is a synonym of Euomphaloceras.

References: Wright et al. (1996).

Genus Morrowites Cobban and Hook, 1983

PaleoDB taxon number: 15215.

Type species: Mammites wingi Morrow, 1935.

Morrowites depressus (Powell, 1963)

Original presentation: Mammitesdepressus

Original publication: Powell. 1963. [p. 1228, pl. 168, figs 1-3, pl. 170, figs 4, 5, pl. 171, fig. 1, text-figs 5e, 6f-h].

Holotype: awaiting determination.

Type locality: “Cannonball Hill, Chihuahua, Mexico” (Cobban and Hook, 1983, p. 11).

Type horizon: Ojinaga Formation (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Other specimen: USNM 328721.

WIS occurrences:

Turonian: Mancos Shale (Rio Salado Tongue) (NM) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Turonian: Frontier Formation (MT) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143713.

References: Cobban and Hook (1983).

Morrowites subdepressus Cobban and Hook, 1983

Original presentation: Morrowites subdepressus

Original publication: Cobban, W. A. and S. C. Hook. 1983. Mid-Cretaceous (Turonian) ammonite fuana from Fence Lake area of west-central New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Memoir 41: 50 pp. [pp. 11-12, pl. 1, figs 8-13, pl. 3, figs 19, 20, pl. 4, figs 1-3, 12-16, pl. 7, text figs 6, 7].

Holotype: USNM 328722.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D11208, Cibola County, New Mexico (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Type horizon: Rio Salado Tongue of the Mancos Shale (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Other specimens: USNM 328723-328730 (paratypes).

WIS occurrences:

Turonian: Mancos Shale (Rio Salado Tongue) (NM) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143714.

Reference: Cobban and Hook (1983).

Morrowites wingi (Morrow, 1935)

Original presentation: Mammites wingi

Original publication: Morrow, A. L. 1935. Cephalopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 9(6): 463-473 [pp. 467-468, pl. 51, fig 2, pl. 52, figs 2a-c, text fig 2].

Holotype: KUMIP 286266.

Type locality: Cloud County, Kansas (Morrow, 1935).

Type horizon: Jetmore Member of the Greenhorn Formation (Morrow, 1935).

WIS occurrences:

Turonian: Greenhorn Limestone (Pfeifer Shale) (KS) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Turonian: Greenhorn Limestone (Jetmore Chalk Member) (KS) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143711.

Synonyms: Mammites rectangulus Morrow, 1935 (source: Cobban and Scott, 1973; Cobban and Hook, 1983); Mammites wingi (source: Cobban and Hook, 1983).

References: Cobban and Hook (1983).

Mammites rectangulus Morrow, 1935Morrowites wingi Morrow, 1935

Holotype: KUMIP 286268.

Reason for equivalency: questionable synonym (source: Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Mammites wingi Morrow, 1935Morrowites wingi (Morrow, 1935)

References: Morrow (1935); Cobban (1988).

Origin of name: “The holotype was collected by Dr. Monta E. Wing, in whose honor the species is named” (Morrow, 1935, p. 468).

Genus Pseudaspidoceras Hyatt, 1903

PaleoDB taxon number: 15500.

Origin of name: “Greek, pseudes, false; for resemblance to the ammonite Aspidoceras, but not that genus” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 29).

Pseudaspidoceras chispaense Adkins, 1931 = Collignoniceras mexicanum (Böse, 1927)

Reason for equivalency: synonym according to Powell (1963), who assigned the species to Selwynoceras mexicanumSelwynoceras is a synonym of Collignoniceras (source: Wright et al., 1996).

Pseudaspidoceras cornucostale Morrow, 1935

Original presentation: Pseudoaspidoceras cornucostale

Original publication: Morrow, A. L. 1935. Cephalopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology 9(6): 463-473 [pp. 469-470, pl. 51, figs 1a-c, text fig 5].

Holotype: KUMIP 286267.

Type locality: Republic County, Kansas (Morrow, 1935).

Type horizon: “Jetmore member of the Greenhorn [F]ormation” (Morrow, 1935, p. 470).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Morrow (1935); Cobban (1987).

Pseudaspidoceras flexuosum Powell, 1963

Original presentation: Pseudaspidoceras flexuosum

Original publication: Powell, J. D. 1963. Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) Ammonites from Trans-Pecos Texas and Northeastern Chihuahua, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 37(2): 309-322. [p. 318-320, pl. 32, figs 1, 9, 10, text figs 2a-c, f, g.]

Holotype: UT 30842.

Type locality: “Dos Alamos locality” … “Chihuahua, Mexico” (Powell, 1963, p. 313).

Type horizon: Ojinaga Formation (Powell, 1963).

Zonation: Pseudoaspidoceras flexuosum Zone (Lower Turonian; 93.19 +/- 0.42 Ma) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143929.

References: Powell (1963), Cobban et al. (2006).

Origin of name: “Latin, flexuosus, bending; for the fossil’s flexuous ribbing” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 31).

Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides (Choffat, 1898)

Original presentation: Acanthoceras (?) pseudonodosoides

Original publication: Choffat, P. 1898. Les Ammonees du Bellasien, des couches a Neolobites vibrayeanus, du Turonien et du Senonien. Part 2 of Recueil d’estudes paleontologiques sur la faune cretacique du Portugal. Lisbon, Travaux Geologiques du Portugal [Memoir], v. I, 2d ser., p. 41-86, pls. 3-22 {copied from reference list in Cobban and Hook, 1983} [p. 65, pl. 16, figs 5-8, pl. 22, figs 32, 33].

Type locality: The “mouth of the Rio Mondego in coastal Portugal” (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

PaleoDB taxon number: 143928.

References: Cobban and Hook (1983).

Genus Romaniceras Spath, 1923

Romaniceras cumminsi Adkins, 1931Romaniceras ornatissimum (Stoliczka, 1865)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1988).

Romaniceras deveroide (de Grossouvre)

Romaniceras loboense Adkins, 1931Romaniceras ornatissimum (Stoliczka, 1865)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1988).

Romaniceras ornatissimum (Stoliczka, 1865)

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1988).

Notes: species is from France.

Subfamily Mammitinae Hyatt, 1900

Genus Buchiceras Hyatt, 1875

Buchiceras swallovii (Shumard, 1860)Metoicoceras swallovi (Shumard, 1860)

Genus Cryptometoicoceras Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Type species: Cryptometoicoceras mite Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Origin of name: “Kryptos (Greek): hidden, referring to the obscure origins of the genus” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 409).

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Cryptometoicoceras mite Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Cryptometoicoceras mite

Original publication: Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422 [p. 412, pl. 7, figs 21-27].

Holotype: USNM 423766.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D4462, Weston County, Wyoming (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: Belle Fourche Shale, Dunveganoceras pondi Zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333428.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Origin of name: mite, meaning small (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Genus Mammites Laube and Bruder, 1887

Type species: Ammonites nodosoides Schlüter, 1871

Duration: Lower Turonian to Upper Turonian (Wright et al., 1996).

Origin of name: “Latin, mamma, breast, teat; for the ornament of nipple-like nodes” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 29).

Mammites nodosoides (Schlüter, 1871)

Original presentation: Ammonites nodosoides

Original publication: Annales Sci. Nat., 1st ser., v. 18, p. 24 {copied from Cobban and Scott, 1973}.

Lectotype: see Wright and Kennedy (1981).

Type locality: Mêcholup, Czechoslovakia (Wright and Kennedy 1981; Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Type horizon: lower Turonian (Wright and Kennedy 1981; Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Other specimens:USNM 328713-328720.

WIS occurrences:

Turonian: Mancos Shale (Rio Salado Tongue) (NM) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Turonian: Colorado Formation (NM) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Turonian: Greenhorn Formation (Bridge Creek Limestone Member) (CO) (Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Other occurrences:

See Wright and Kennedy (1981).

Zonation: Mammites nodosoides Zone (Lower Turonian) (Cobban et al., 2006).

PaleoDB taxon number: 130579.

References: Cobban and Scott (1973); Wright and Kennedy (1981); Cobban and Hook (1983).

Origin of name: “Latin, nodosus, full of knots; for the nodate ornament” (Cobban et al., 2006, p. 33).

Mammites rectangulus Morrow, 1935Morrowites wingi Morrow, 1935

Holotype: KUMIP 286268.

Reason for equivalency: questionable synonym (source: Cobban and Scott, 1973).

Mammites wingi Morrow, 1935Morrowites wingi (Morrow, 1935)

Reason for equivalency: transfer to different genus (source: Cobban and Hook, 1983).

Genus Metoicoceras Hyatt, 1903

Type species: Ammonites swallovi Shumard, 1860.

Duration: upper Middle Cenomanian to middle Upper Cenomanian (source: Wright et al., 1996).

Metoicoceras accelleratum Hyatt, 1903 = Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (Cooper, 1978). Cooper (1978) treated Metoicoceras accelleratum as a synonym of Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903. In turn, Metoicoceras gibbosum is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841).

Metoicoceras bosei Jones, 1938 = ? Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (Cooper, 1978). Cooper (1978) treated Metoicoceras bosei as a questionable synonym of Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903. In turn, Metoicoceras gibbosum is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841).

Metoicoceras crassicostae Stephenson, 1953 ?= Metoicoceras latoventer Stephenson, 1953

Holotype: USNM 106003.

Reason for equivalency: questionable junior synonym (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Metoicoceras frontierense Cobban, 1988

Original presentation: Metoicoceras frontierense

Original publication: Cobban. 1988. [p. 13, pl. 3, figs 1-3, pl. 13, figs 1, 2, pl. 14, text-fig. 12].

Types: USGS 376927.

Type locality: Johnson County, Wyoming (USGS locality 22809) (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: Frontier Formation (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Cobban (1988).

Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Original presentation: Ammonites catillus d’Orbigny, 1841; Ammonites geslinianus d’Orbigny, 1850

Original publication: d’Orbigny. 1841. [p. 325, pl. 97, figs 1, 2]; d’Orbigny. 1850 [p. 146].

Types: MNHP 6110.

Type locality: “Lamennais near Vibraye, Sarthe, France” (Kennedy, 1988, p. 58).

PaleoDB taxon number: 145853.

Synonyms: Cobban and Scott (1973) considered Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903 a synonym of Metoicoceras whitei Hyatt, 1903. Cooper (1978) agreed that the two taxa are equivalent, but stated that “the name gibbosum has page priority over whitei, and is thus the valid name” (p. 114). This is not correct: the valid name is whitei because Cobban and Scott (1973) were the first revisers (for more on page priority, see this ICZN webpage). Later, it was recognized that Metoicoceras whitei is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (Cobban et al., 2006). Thus, the species that Cooper (1978) considered to be synonymous with Metoicoceras gibbosum should all be assigned to Metoicoceras geslinianum. These include: Metoicoceras whitei Hyatt, 1903; Metoicoceras kanabense Hyatt, 1903, Metoicoceras acceleratum Hyatt, 1903; and Metoicoceras ornatum Moreman, 1942.

References: Kennedy (1988), Cobban et al. (2006).

Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903 Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Original presentation: Ammonites catillus d’Orbigny, 1841; Ammonites geslinianus d’Orbigny, 1850

Original publication: d’Orbigny. 1841. [p. 325, pl. 97, figs 1, 2]; d’Orbigny. 1850 [p. 146].

Types: MNHP 6110.

Type locality: “Lamennais near Vibraye, Sarthe, France” (Kennedy, 1988, p. 58).

PaleoDB taxon number: 145853.

References: Cooper (1978), Cobban and Scott (1973), and Kennedy (1988).

Metoicoceras irwini Moreman, 1927 = ? Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Reason for equivalency: possible synonym (Cooper, 1978). Cooper (1978) noted that Metoicoceras irwini “is almost identical to M. dumasi (Pervinquière) which is probably not separable from M geslinianum” (p. 116).

Metoicoceras kanabense Hyatt, 1903Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (Cooper, 1978). Cooper (1978) treated Metoicoceras kanabense as a synonym of Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903. In turn, Metoicoceras gibbosum is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841).

Metoicoceras latoventer Stephenson, 1953

Original presentation: Metoicoceras latoventer

Original publication: Stephenson. 1953. [p. 209, pl. 53, figs 1-9, pl. 54, figs 9-11].

Holotype:TMM 2574.

Type locality: 4 miles east of Whitesboro, Grayson County, Texas (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Type horizon: “Templeton Member of the Woodbine Formation” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 139).

Other specimens: USNM 105998-105601, USNM 106002a-j, USNM 106003, OUM KT 3926, OUM KT 3927, OUM KT 3929-3936.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Zonation: Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 318408.

Synonym: questionably Metoicoceras crassicostae Stephenson, 1953 (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Metoicoceras mosbyense Cobban, 1953

Original presentation: Metoicoceras mosbyense

Original publication: Cobban. 1953 [p. 48, pl. 6, figs 1-14, pl. 7, figs 1-3].

Holotype: USNM 108315

Type locality: “east-central Montana” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 409).

Type horizon: “Mosby Sandstone Member of the Belle Fourche Shale” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990, p. 409).

PaleoDB taxon number: 318407.

Synonym: Metoicoceras muelleri Cobban, 1953 (source: Cobban and Kennedy, 1991).

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Metoicoceras muelleri Cobban, 1953Metoicoceras mosbyense Cobban, 1953

Reason for equivalency: synonym. According to Cobban and Kennedy (1991, p. B8), “Dimorphism is now recognized in this species. The holotype [of Metoicoceras mosbyense] … is an adult microconch, whereas the holotype of M. muelleri … is an adult macroconch.”

Metoicoceras ornatum Moreman, 1942Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (Cooper, 1978). Cooper (1978) treated Metoicoceras ornatum as a synonym of Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903. In turn, Metoicoceras gibbosum is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841).

Metoicoceras praecox Haas, 1949

Original presentation: Metoicoceras whitei praecox

Original publication: Haas. 1949. [p. 15, pls. 5-7, text-figs 5-9].

Holotype: AMNH 26415.

Type locality: “northeast of Greybull, Big Horn County, Wyoming” (Cobban and Kennedy, 1991, p. B2).

Type horizon: Cody Shale (Cobban and Kennedy, 1991).

PaleoDB taxon number: 318406.

References: Cobban and Kennedy (1991).

Metoicoceras swallovi Shumard, 1860

Original presentation: Ammonites swallovi

Original publication: Shumard. 1860 [p. 591].

Types: “The whereabouts of Shumard’s type material is not known; presumably it is lost” (Stephenson, 1953, p. 209). “White (1883, p. 39, pl. 18, fig. 1) reproduced a photograph of a drawing of Ammonites swallovii; this drawing was made by A. R. Roessler under Shumard’s direction, and may be accepted as an illustration of one of the original types” (Stephenson, 1953, p. 208).

Type locality: “four and a half miles north of Sherman, and bluffs of Red River in Fannin and Lamar Counties” (Shumard, 1860 quoted in Stephensen, 1953, p. 209).

Type horizon: “the exact age of the species is unknown” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 138).

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

PaleoDB taxon number: 145851.

References: Stephensen (1953); Kennedy and Cobban (1990).

Metoicoceras whitei Hyatt, 1903Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny, 1841).

Reason for equivalency: Cobban and Scott (1973) considered Metoicoceras gibbosum Hyatt, 1903 a synonym of Metoicoceras whitei Hyatt, 1903. Cooper (1978) agreed that the two taxa are equivalent, but stated that “the name gibbosum has page priority over whitei, and is thus the valid name” (p. 114). This is not correct: the valid name is whitei because Cobban and Scott (1973) were the first revisers (for more on page priority, see this ICZN webpage). Later, it was recognized that Metoicoceras whitei is a synonym of Metoicoceras geslinianum (Cobban et al., 2006).

Genus Nannometoicoceras Kennedy, 1988

Type species: Metoicoceras acceleratum Hyatt, 1903

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Nannometoicoceras nanos Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Nannometoicoceras nanos

Original publication: Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422 [p. 412-413, pl. 7, figs 17-20].

Holotype: USNM 423768.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 12740, Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: Belle Fourche Shale, Metoicoceras mosbyense zone (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333429.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Origin of name: nanos, Greek for dwarf (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Nannometoicocerasglabrum Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Nannometoicocerasglabrum

Original publication: Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422 [p. 413, pl. 7, figs 28-31, 38-40, 48].

Holotype: USNM 423769.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality D12052, Cibola County, New Mexico (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: “Rio Salado Tongue of Mancos Shale … Upper Cenomanian Sciponocers gracile zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 385).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333430.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Origin of name: glaber, Latin for smooth (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Genus Buccinammonites Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Type species: Buccinammonites minimus Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Duration: Upper Cenomanian (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Origin of name: “Buccina (Latin): trumpet, in reference to the trumpet-like flared aperture” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 413).

Buccinammonites minimus Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b

Original presentation: Buccinammonites minimus

Original publication: Kennedy, W. J. and W. A. Cobban. 1990b. Cenomanian micromorphic ammonites from the Western Interior of the USA. Palaeontology 33(2): 379-422 [p. 414, pl. 7, figs 10-12].

Holotype: USNM 423770.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 23062, Carter County, Montana (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Type horizon: “Greenhorn Formation. Upper Cenomanian Sciponoceras gracile zone” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b, p. 383).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333431.

References: Kennedy and Cobban (1990b).

Origin of name: minimus, Latin for least (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990b).

Genus Spathites Kummel and Decker, 1954

Spathites binicostatum Petrascheck

Spathites chispaensis Kummel and Decker, 1954Spathites coahuilaensis Jones, 1938

Reason for equivalency: junior synonym (source: Cobban, 1988).

Spathites coahuilaensis (Jones, 1938)

Original presentation: Pseudotissotia (?) coahuilaensis.

Original publication: Jones. 1938. [p. 123, pl. 9, figs 1, 3].

Holotype: University of Michigan (UM) 16822

Type locality: Coahuila, Mexico (Cobban, 1988).

Type horizon: Unknown (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 299524.

Synonyms: Spathites chispaensis Kummel and Decker, 1954

References: Cobban (1988).

Spathites puercoensis (Herrick and Johnson, 1900)

Original presentation: Buchiceras swallovi var. puercoensis

Original publication: Herrick and Johnson. 1900. [p. 213, pl. 27, figs 3, 4].

Holotype: Destroyed (Cobban, 1988).

Type locality: “Rio Puerco valley northwest of Albuquerque, New Mexico”  (Cobban, 1988, p. 15).

Type horizon: Mancos Shale (Cobban, 1988).

PaleoDB taxon number: 340468.

References: Cobban (1988).

Subfamily Mantelliceratinae

Genus Graysonites Young, 1958

Type species: Graysonites lozoi Young, 1958.

Duration: Lower Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Graysonites adkinsi Young, 1958

Original presentation: Graysonites adkinsi

Original publication: Young, K. 1958. Graysonites, a Cretaceous ammonite in Texas. Journal of Paleontology 32: 171-182 [pp. 176, 178, 179, pl. 3, figs 1, 7, text-figs 2a, e, f, 3a, e].

Holotype: UT 272 (Young, 1958).

Type locality: Bell County, Texas (Young, 1958).

Type horizon: Main Street Limestone (Young, 1958).

PaleoDB taxon number: 331409.

References: Young (1958), Kennedy et al. (2005).

Graysonites fountaini Young, 1958Graysonites adkinsi Young, 1958

Holotype: BEG 19054 (Young, 1958).

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

Graysonites lozoi Young, 1958 Graysonites wacoense (Böse, 1928)

Holotype: TMM WSA73 (Kennedy et al., 2005).

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

Graysonites wacoense (Böse, 1928)

Original presentation: Mantelliceras wacoensis

Original publication: Böse. 1928. [p. 215, pl. 5, figs 9-25, pl. 6, figs 1-4].

Holotype: TMM 21610 (Kennedy et al., 2005).

Type locality: McLennan County, Texas (Kennedy et al., 2005).

Type horizon: Del Rio Clay (Kennedy et al., 2005).

Synonyms: Mantelliceras brazoense Böse, 1928 (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

PaleoDB taxon number: 333005.

References: Kennedy et al. (2005).

Graysonites wooldridgei Young, 1958 Graysonites wacoense (Böse, 1928)

Holotype: UT 19819 (Young, 1958).

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

Genus Mantelliceras Hyatt, 1903

Duration: Lower Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Mantelliceras batheri Spath, 1926Mantelliceras saxbii (Sharpe, 1857)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy et al., 1986).

Mantelliceras brazoense Böse, 1928Graysonites wacoense (Böse, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

Mantelliceras budaense Adkins, 1931Mantelliceras cantianum Spath, 1926

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Mancini, 1982).

Mantelliceras cantianum Spath, 1926

Original presentation: Mantelliceras cantianum

Original publication: Spath. 1926. [p. 82].

Holotype: BMNH 36834 (Kennedy et al., 1986).

Type locality: Dover, Kent (Kennedy et al., 1986).

Type horizon: “Lower Cenomanian Chalk Marl” (Kennedy et al., 1986).

Synonyms: Mantelliceras budaense Adkins, 1931 (source: Mancini, 1982).

PaleoDB taxon number: 130518.

References: Kennedy et al. (1986).

Mantelliceras hyatti Spath, 1926Mantelliceras saxbii (Sharpe, 1857)

Reason for equivalency: synonym (source: Kennedy and Hancock, 1971).

Mantelliceras saxbii (Sharpe, 1857)

Original presentation: Ammonites saxbii

Original publication: Sharpe. 1857. [p. 45, pl. 20, fig. 3].

Lectotype: GSM 7763 (Kennedy et al., 1986).

Type locality: “Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Hampshire” (Kennedy et al., 1986, p. 47).

Type horizon: Lower Cenomanian (Kennedy et al., 1986, p. 47).

Synonyms: Mantelliceras batheri Spath, 1926 (source: Kennedy et al., 1986), Mantelliceras hyatti Spath, 1926 (source: Kennedy and Hancock, 1971).

PaleoDB taxon number: 130522.

References: Kennedy et al. (1986).

Mantelliceras sellardsi Adkins, 1928Tarrantoceras sellardsi (Adkins, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990).

Mantelliceras wacoense Böse, 1928 = Graysonites wacoense (Böse, 1928)

Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus (source: Kennedy et al., 2005).

Genus Sharpeiceras Hyatt, 1903

Type species: Ammonites laticlavius Sharpe, 1855.

Duration: Lower Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

Sharpeiceras mexicanum (Böse, 1928)

Original presentation: Mantelliceras laticlavium var. mexicanum

Original publication: Böse. 1928. [p. 253, pl. 10, fig. 6, pl. 11, fig. 1].

Lectotype: awaiting determination.

Type locality: awaiting determination.

Type horizon: awaiting determination.

PaleoDB taxon number: 298852.

References: Kennedy et al. (2005).

Sharpeiceras schlueteri Hyatt, 1903

Original presentation: Sharpeiceras schlueteri

Original publication: Hyatt. 1903. [p. 111].

Lectotype: Lost (“the original of Schlüter, 1871, pl. 7, figs. 4-6, now lost”; Kennedy et al., 2005, p. 385).

Type locality: “from a mine shaft near Altenessen in the German Federal Republic” (Kennedy et al., 2005, p. 385).

Type horizon: awaiting determination.

PaleoDB taxon number: not in database.

References: Kennedy et al. (2005).