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Mammites bellsanus

Geological Range


Paleogeographic Distribution

Texas to Wyoming

Stratigraphic Occurrences

Belle Fourche Formation (WY)
Woodbine Formation (TX)
Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX)
<i> Mammites bellsanus </i> from the Cenomanian Woodbine Fm. of Texas (Stephenson 1953).
Mammites bellsanus from the Cenomanian Woodbine Fm. of Texas (Stephenson 1953).
<i> Mammites bellsanus </i> from the Cenomanian Woodbine Fm. of Texas (Stephenson 1953).
Mammites bellsanus from the Cenomanian Woodbine Fm. of Texas (Stephenson 1953).
Stratigraphic position unknown
Stratigraphic position unknown