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Hoploscaphites melloi

Geological Range

Campanian to Maastrichtian

Paleogeographic Distribution

Kansas to South Dakota


Original publication: Landman, N. H. and K. M. Waage. 1993. Scaphitid ammonites of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Fox Hills Formation in South Dakota and Wyoming. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Number 215, 257 pp. [p. 112-119, figs. 60, 82-84].

Holotype (macroconch): YPM 23044.

Type locality: “inner bluffs of the Moreau River, northeast of the village of Green Grass and one mile west of the S.D. Rt. 63 bridge” (Landman and Waage, 1993, p. 113), Dewey County, South Dakota.

Type horizon: Pierre Shale (Mobridge Member).

Other specimens: YPM 23043, YPM 23071, YPM 23066, YPM 23067, YPM 23042, YPM 23068, YPM 23074, YPM 23077, YPM 23070, YPM 23072; also see Landman and Waage (1993).

PaleoDB taxon number: 145262.

Reference: Landman and Waage (1993).

Origin of name: “named for James F. Mellow, micropaleontologist at the U. S. National Museum” (Landman and Waage, 1993, p. 113).

Stratigraphic Occurrences

Pierre Shale (SD)
Pierre Shale (Mobridge Member) (SD)
Pierre Shale (WY)
Pierre Shale (KS)
Unknown Stage
Pierre Shale (SD)
Holotype of <i>Hoploscaphites melloi</i> (YPM 23044) (macroconch). See original caption for additional details. Image modified from fig. 82A-C in Landman and Waage (1993 in <i>Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History</i>, no. 215) and used with permission.
Holotype of Hoploscaphites melloi (YPM 23044) (macroconch). See original caption for additional details. Image modified from fig. 82A-C in Landman and Waage (1993 in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, no. 215) and used with permission.
Suture of <i>Hoploscaphites melloi</i>. See original caption for additional details. Image modified from fig. 84 in Landman and Waage (1993 in <i>Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History</i>, no. 215) and used with permission.
Suture of Hoploscaphites melloi. See original caption for additional details. Image modified from fig. 84 in Landman and Waage (1993 in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, no. 215) and used with permission.
<i>Hoploscaphites melloi</i> from the Maastrichtian Pierre Shale (Mobridge Member) of Dewey County, South Dakota (YPM 76024).
Hoploscaphites melloi from the Maastrichtian Pierre Shale (Mobridge Member) of Dewey County, South Dakota (YPM 76024).
Stratigraphic position unknown
Stratigraphic position unknown