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Current Taxonomic Status of Late Cretaceous Ammonoid Species from the Western Interior Seaway Assigned to the Family Diplomoceratidae (Ancyloceratina: Turrilitaceae)

Jonathan R. Hendricks

Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York

Note: Names in green are accepted; names in red are synonyms. Return to main list here. This page was last updated July 13, 2017.

Class Cephalopoda

Order Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884

Suborder Ancyloceratina Wiedmann, 1966

Duration: Lower Tithonian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996).

Superfamily Turrilitaceae Gill, 1871

Duration: ?Upper Aptian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996).

Family Diplomoceratidae Spath, 1926

Duration: Turonian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 95939.

Subfamily Diplomoceratinae Spath, 1926

Duration: Turonian to Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996).

Genus Glyptoxoceras Spath, 1926

Type species: Hamites rugatus Forbes, 1846

Duration: Santonian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996).

Distribution: “Europe, South Africa (Zululand), southern India, central Asia, Japan, Canada, USA, Venezuela, Brazil” (Wright et al., p. 250).

PaleoDB taxon number: 14933.

Glyptoxoceras texanum Kennedy, Landman, and Cobban, 2001

Original presentation: Glyptoxoceras texanum

Original publication: Kennedy, W.J., N. H. Landman, and W. A. Cobban. 2001. Santonian Ammonites from the Blossom Sand in northeast Texas. American Museum Novitates 3332. [pp. 7-8, fig. 4]

Holotype: USNM 490970.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 18120, Red River county, Texas (Kennedy et al., 2001).

Type horizon: Blossom Sand (Kennedy et al., 2001).

Other specimens: USNM 490971 (paratype).

WIS occurrences:

Santonian: Blossom Sand (TX) (Kennedy et al., 2001).

PaleoDB taxon number: 131025.

Reference: Kennedy et al. (2001).