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Current Taxonomic Status of Late Cretaceous Ammonoid Species from the Western Interior Seaway Assigned to the Family Hamitidae (Ancyloceratina: Turrilitaceae)

Jonathan R. Hendricks

Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York

Note: Names in green are accepted; names in red are synonyms. Return to main list here. This page was last updated May 22, 2017.

Class Cephalopoda

Order Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884

Suborder Ancyloceratina Wiedmann, 1966

Duration: Lower Tithonian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996)

Superfamily Turrilitaceae Gill, 1871

Duration: ?Upper Aptian to Upper Maastrichtian (Wright et al., 1996)

Family Hamitidae Gill, 1871

Duration: Lower Albian to Upper Turonian (Source: Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 96540.

Genus Hamites Parkinson, 1811

Type species: Hamites attenuatus J. Sowerby, 1814

Duration: Lower Albian to Upper Cenomanian (Wright et al., 1996).

PaleoDB taxon number: 14957.

Synonyms: Torneutoceras Hyatt, 1900 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a), Stomohamites Breistroffer, 1940 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a), Hamitella Breistroffer, 1947 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a), Helicoceras d’Orbigny, 1842 (source: Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Hamites cimarronensis (Kauffman and Powell, 1977)

Original presentation: Stomohamites simplex cimarronensis

Original publication: Kauffman and Powell. 1977. [p. 97, pl. 9, figs 1, 3, 4, text-figs 5, 6].

Holotype: USNM 167160.

Type locality: USGS Mesozoic locality 30235, Cimarron County, Oklahoma (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Type horizon: Graneros Shale (Hartland Member) (OK) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Other specimens: USNM 420294-420298, OUM KT3937-3939.

WIS occurrences:

Cenomanian: Lake Waco Formation (Blue Bonnet Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Cenomanian: Eagle Ford Group (basal) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a).

Woodbine Formation (Templeton Member) (TX) (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a)

Zonation: “Acanthoceras bellenseAcanthoceras amphibolum and P. wyomingense zones in central Texas. Similar fragments are widespread in this interval in the US Western Interior north as far as Wyoming” (Kennedy and Cobban, 1990a, p. 142).

PaleoDB taxon number: 325660.

Reference: Kennedy and Cobban (1990a).